I feel so lucky to have spent the last year with such a gorgeously happy and content little man. He has always been a smiler and continues to charm with his 'half laugh' and cheeky knowing look. I wouldn't say he has been the easiest baby at all times but sleep and eating wise we really can't complain.
I fell in love with him the minute he arrived and having spent much longer at home together (and having been longer breast fed) I did worry how he would cope going to nursery recently. But we've been so proud of how sociable and confident he is. Sometimes I get shown the cheek upon drop off but that's fine, he's asserting his independence already and I do think he will be quite the strong minded and assertive wee chap. His sense of humour is coming through more and more and he is such fun to be around.
Mabel takes the plastic ice lolly holder away
(what the hell, does anyone else have random stuff in their bath?)
Mabel can't stand the noise and passes it back
My favourite time of day is after a bath when they are both in the nuddy and go a bit crazy for half an hour. Wilf practically runs with his walker and his big tummy from room to room with Mabel chasing him. She screams with delight and he copies. I love it. I can't get enough of it. I'm trying to stop myself being scared that I will forget it one day. There's no point being scared, I need to stop being so worried about capturing everything and just live in the moment.
We are lucky, our moments are so so good.
I've also stopped worrying about him getting the same attention, Mabel still getting one to one time, how we remain consistent, etc etc. In the bath last night they spent the whole time putting bubbles on each others heads and finding it hilarious. We didn't see what was so funny. They might miss out on some stuff but they also gain in other areas and what's so special now is how much they love each others company. He is no longer quite the giant toddler that I feared he would be - though saying that he did skip the 'cruiser' shoe stage on account of his massive size 4 feet!
We spent his birthday at the museum and eating Pizza for lunch (felt only right since at 11pm last year we were sat staring at our newborn, completely shell shocked, eating takeaway pizza with a midwife who really needed a bigger uniform and ate more than all of us - very funny. She didn't need any persuading to take the remaining slices home with her). Don't think I mentioned her in my original birth story. The bedroom where Wilf was born was really not that big and since I took up most of the room on the floor and there were 2 male paramedics in there things were pretty tight. She put the placenta into a cardboard bedpan type thing (it filled it right to the top) then couldn't get up off the floor whilst holding it. We had a really awkward few moments while she tried to launch herself up without tipping blood everywhere while we all supressed sounds like, "woah" and "argh" and one of the paramedics tried to tactfully give her a hand. She was super disorganised and lost everything from a needle to a chord clamp. She also decided I didn't need any pain relief for stitches but lets not go there. The hospital I later complained to decided not to go there either and never replied to my letter. Hmm, I digress.
But following that things went well and he loved lighting the pumpkins and eating his chocolate cake. We are having a wee party next weekend so will do a proper cake then (G Kisby has been asking for a chocolate caterpillar since our wedding day 3 years ago so when I suggested he picked one up just for today he was eager).
So happy birthday to our gorgeous, amazing little man. I had a moment tonight after his milk when he stayed still long enough for me to stare into his eyes and hope he feels somewhere just how much we love him. I will add the Pierre Duck photos on the party post since he literally wouldn't hold the dam thing today!